Hello, I'm trying to figure out why some maps like MapBox, Foursqure, and Cloudmademaps for example, don't reflect the changes I've made to OSM maps. This is the area I'm concerned about http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/57.0311/-135.3337 Mapbox has everything but the coastline updated but they claim they update from OSM roughly every 5 minutes. OSM has reflected the changes I made to the coastline back in September.
Thank you for your time reading this. |
Basically you need to ask MapBox. Both how they interpret the OSM data and how and when they update features is under their control (and is their business). Thank you, SimonPoole
(06 Dec '13, 23:04)
Coastlines work slightly differently (and need updating in a different way). Search for coastline on this site, and see for example this question: https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/276/why-do-the-changes-i-have-made-to-coastline-not-appear-on-the-map EdLoach, I'm sorry, but that's not exactly my concern. I understand that OSM's coastline takes a while to update but the updates are there now, in OSM. The picture shows OSM compared to Mapbox. So OpenStreetMap has the updates that I made, what is blocking those updates from showing up in 3rd party applications like Mapbox? Sorry if this question is more appropriate for Mapbox. I have emailed them. I thought there was a chance it was something I was doing wrong though, that's why I'm asking here.
(06 Dec '13, 20:41)
The coastline update process for OSM-hosted maps (e.g. the standard layer) changed recently, in the last few months I think. It's possible that external maps are still kicking coastlines updates off manually - you'd have to talk to the external map provider concerned. Also be aware that some data downloads from external sites may be very old indeed, so it's resonable to assume that maps from those sites may be too - always check the date of map tiles that you're using before scratching your head about why things haven't updated.
(06 Dec '13, 21:55)
SomeoneElse ♦
Thank you, SomeoneElse
(06 Dec '13, 23:04)
Hello There, Just some observations from looking at other similar island groups. You might need the place=island tag, see here. Also the island names could go on the outline way as well. Regards Bernard Bernard, thank you for your suggestions. I have been tagging the islands with the place=island tag now.
(06 Dec '13, 20:41)