Is it correct to use amenity=hospital for the grounds of a mental institution? If not, what is correct for one? asked 05 Dec '13, 02:44 ItalianMustache aseerel4c26 ♦ |
One way to refine it further is The other option I know of is Unless you have a strong preference for healthcare 1 or 2, I suggest you tag both, as their tags do not collide and you'll reach a wider "audience" since neither scheme has clearly "won" yet. That said, most mental institutions are much more lightweight than a hospital. answered 05 Dec '13, 12:58 Vincent de P... ♦ aseerel4c26 ♦ 2
Actually, there seem to be zero use of healthcare=psychotherapist/psychiatrist in the db either. So it looks like social_facility and healthcare 2.0 are the only psy* schemes in actual use.
(05 Dec '13, 13:04)
Vincent de P... ♦
Today there are 900 healthcare=psychotherapist vs. 40 health_specialty=psychotherapy. I recommend to avoid the healthcare 2.0 draft and rely on established schemas
(14 Nov '17, 21:22)
Most mental institutions would be overseen by medical doctors specializing in psychiatry, so psychotherapy wouldn't be the right field. I think Probably with emergency=no to indicate that the hospital does not have an emergency room.
(15 Nov '17, 20:46)
Another option is to append "Psychiatric Hospital" to it's name= Tag answered 05 Dec '13, 10:10 nevw 4
Don't subvert the name tag, respect what the place is actually called.
(05 Dec '13, 12:28)
Vincent de P... ♦