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I've downloaded the osm virtual machine here:

...and patched the local.php file (for the "declaration allowed only at the start of the document" error). It appears to be working fine, except for the following issue:

I understand there are two ways to query for an address:

   Query string to search for.  Alternatively can be entered as:


 street=<housenumber> <streetname>
   (experimental) Alternative query string format for structured requests. 
   Structured requests are faster and require less server resources. 

However, the first way works, and the second one gets me no results. I thought it could be a problem with the address formatting but if I use the same query on the public nominatim server (instead of my own) I get results.

Check the public server output:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<searchresults timestamp='Wed, 04 Dec 13 05:50:52 +0000' attribution='Data ?? OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.' querystring='andes 1479, montevideo, montevideo, uruguay' polygon='false' exclude_place_ids='96424832,57980898,70445266' more_url=';exclude_place_ids=96424832,57980898,70445266&amp;q=andes+1479%2C+montevideo%2C+montevideo%2C+uruguay'>
<place place_id='96424832' osm_type='way' osm_id='179061638' place_rank='26' boundingbox="-34.9064064025879,-34.9008026123047,-56.1986999511719,-56.1981239318848" lat='-34.9035605' lon='-56.1984301' display_name='Andes, Ciudad Vieja, Montevideo, 11100, Uruguay' class='highway' type='residential' importance='0.9'/><place place_id='57980898' osm_type='way' osm_id='78105349' place_rank='26' boundingbox="-34.9114799499512,-34.9064025878906,-56.198127746582,-56.1972122192383" lat='-34.9092104' lon='-56.1978327' display_name='Andes, Barrio Sur, Montevideo, 11100, Uruguay' class='highway' type='residential' importance='0.9'/><place place_id='70445266' osm_type='way' osm_id='112698692' place_rank='26' boundingbox="-34.8365058898926,-34.8350563049316,-55.9612350463867,-55.9585113525391" lat='-34.8357171' lon='-55.9597648' display_name='Andes, Solymar, Ciudad de la Costa, Canelones, Uruguay' class='highway' type='residential' importance='0.7'/></searchresults>

and my local server output:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<searchresults timestamp='Wed, 04 Dec 13 05:50:59 +0000' attribution='Data ?? OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0.' querystring='' polygon='false' more_url='http://localhost/nominatim/search?format=xml&amp;exclude_place_ids=&amp;accept-language=&amp;q='>

In both cases, I'm using the same query:

http://<public server or private server>/search?format=xml&street=andes+1479&city=montevideo&county=&state=montevideo&country=uruguay&postalcode=

I don't know if it has something to do; but the virtual server need some minor "corrections" (?); one if to edit the local.php file (I did it) but the other one, downloading and replacing the file, can't did it (can't overwrite existing file, and I don't have root password)

I appreciate any help! Regards!

asked 04 Dec '13, 06:04

leos79's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This virtual image is from the end of 2012 and contains a Nominatim version that is neither capable of handling 64-bit node IDs nor supports the structured search that you're attempting. The virtual image wiki page also contains a big red warning message at the beginning which you seem to have missed somehow.

This means that the current virtual image is of little use. Newer versions of Nominatim can handle 64-bit node IDs but this would require you to update the Nominatim version contained in the virtual image (and possible other software, too), the wiki also contains Nominatim installation instructions.

And if you really need a root password (sudo should be enough for everything) then you can set/change it via sudo passwd.

permanent link

answered 04 Dec '13, 08:25

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 04 Dec '13, 08:58

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦


thanks scai for your answer! So, this one is the last virtual server available? I'll try to make one of my own. And the root thing would be for replacing a file; I got a mesagge saying I don't have permission to do thath and I thought it was due to user permissions. I'm not a linux guy, I'm a software developer for windows environment, the closes things I know to linux is DOS and googling-for-stuff-when-required.

(04 Dec '13, 18:00) leos79

And about the red warning; I didn't missed it. I thought if the virtual server was still there that maybe it still worked; I've decided to download it and give it a try. I didn't know the OSM data's date and neither that structured search it's a 2013 improvement (maybe it's specified somewhere; that would be what I've missed). Thank you very much, again!

(04 Dec '13, 18:02) leos79

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question asked: 04 Dec '13, 06:04

question was seen: 5,024 times

last updated: 04 Dec '13, 18:02

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum