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I have noticed problems with the following multipolygons:

The last editor of both is "OSMF Redaction Account".

If I recover deleted ways from this polygon using Potlatch or JOSM, will this cause a copyright problem? Or is problematic data automatically excluded from the undelete tools?

asked 02 Dec '13, 16:43

eric22's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

If I recover deleted ways from this polygon using Potlatch or JOSM, will this cause a copyright problem? Or is problematic data automatically excluded from the undelete tools?

If you are able to recover it from the API, you are legally okay. For the particular relation you linked, I checked a couple of ways (e.g. 46774466), there is nothing that can be recovered, which you can see in that all the previous versions are hidden (redacted)

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answered 02 Dec '13, 20:30

pnorman's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

An exception for "legally okay" could be split ways (which are originally from users who did not accept the new terms) and copies of objects (which are originally from users who did not accept the new terms) that have been manually deleted (and not hidden) afterwards. Right?

(02 Dec '13, 20:49) aseerel4c26 ♦

This data was excluded because the user that added it originally didn't agree with the new terms of use, which, mainly, changed the licensing of the OSM data. Sometimes, during the process of removal of this data, damage occurred.

You may add the missing data, provided that you use fully authorized sources, without any risk of automatic exclusions or copyright infringement (provided your data source really is fully authorized of course...)

Please see this for more information on the ODBL licence, this for some of the history behind the change.

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answered 02 Dec '13, 19:34

MCPicoli's gravatar image

accept rate: 24%

edited 02 Dec '13, 19:39


In addition, you may attempt to recover old versions and if that works then it means they weren't redacted - redacted stuff is only recoverable by downloading old planet files and re-contributing that would not be workable, legally.

(02 Dec '13, 20:03) Frederik Ramm ♦

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question asked: 02 Dec '13, 16:43

question was seen: 2,611 times

last updated: 02 Dec '13, 20:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum