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I have just started using OSM in Amersfoort, Netherlands, and the bus route information is completely out of date - it seems to have been taken from an old map. It has bus stops in my road (which are not there) serving routes which no longer exist.

OSM seems to use the actual route of the bus to hold most of the information, not the stops themselves. Although this might be interesting for bus companies, I don't really care which ways the buses drive down, I only want to know where to catch a bus, and where it is going. Unfortunately this is not shown against bus stops on the transport layer, although some of the information is held in the relation.

I can find the current routes and link them to the appropriate bus stops but I am not prepared to spend several weeks riding the buses to find out which roads they actually go down.

I have three questions:

  1. Is it worth setting up relations for the new routes if I only attach them to bus stops, or should I leave it to someone more dedicated to do the whole job?
  2. How should I note an expiry date on the routes: the current timetables are apparently valid until the end of 2014.
  3. Finally, is it OK to delete all the non-existent bus routes and bus stops or are they there for some historical reason?



asked 02 Dec '13, 13:40

markvm's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

In reverse order:

  • Yes, feel free to delete non-existent or otherwise outdated information.
  • I have no suggestions on this, but if you add the information make it clear that it's valid until at least that date, and not that it should be removed on that date.
  • It's common to do partial work in OSM, and encouraged if it is useful and doesn't make anyone else's life harder. So I'd suggest adding the bits that you know of the routes, and other people can extend them. Waiting on one person doing an entire route might be a long wait.
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answered 02 Dec '13, 18:14

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan
accept rate: 28%


Note that adding the bus stops is often the harder part (assuming the streets are already mapped and just need to be added to the relation). If you do not have time to polish the relation, somebody else might be able to finish it remotely, using the stops as a guide.

(02 Dec '13, 23:29) Vincent de P... ♦

Thank you both for such helpful answers.

Luckily, most of the stops are already mapped, as they served the previous routes. It is the destinations and numbers of the routes themselves which have changed.

I will try adding the new routes to the stops and perhaps I'll find that some of the old routes have just been renumbered and I can then just follow those before I delete them.

Thanks for the comment about ensuring that the meaning of the valid date is clear. I'll make sure it is.

(03 Dec '13, 08:05) markvm

Basically, I'm fully supporting your idea of defining bus lines relations by the (ordered) list of stop stations. Routing (ways) could be solved somewhere else and are really, really optionals.

(03 Dec '13, 12:22) Pieren

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question asked: 02 Dec '13, 13:40

question was seen: 6,915 times

last updated: 03 Dec '13, 12:22

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum