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I'm absolutely new here, so I apologize in advance if these are stupid questions:

1) Is it possible to change the visual appearance of OpenStreetMaps by applying a skin? That is to say, if I wanted to add OSM to my site, but wanted it to match with the color scheme of my site by (arbitrarily) changing the default color for major freeways to bright red, and the color of bodies of water to canary yellow, could I do that?

2) If so, where can I learn how?

Thanks for your help,


asked 10 Feb '11, 03:17

Ethan%20H's gravatar image

Ethan H
accept rate: 0%

You cannot do this easily through the OSM web site. A couple of ways to approach this would be:

1) Find a third party site that renders maps that lets you modify map colours. Something like Cloudmade's map site lets you do this, although you should check their T&Cs about whether you can then use their maps for your site. MapQuest Open also offers a rendering style that may be more familiar for North American users.

2) Create your own Mapnik rendering instance and your own slippy map server. This is not a simple process. Maybe start at if you want to go down that route.

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answered 10 Feb '11, 04:03

Ebenezer's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 14 Feb '11, 17:02

Baloo%20Uriza's gravatar image

Baloo Uriza

If you only require a map of your local area, you can take a look at Maperitive.

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answered 10 Feb '11, 06:26

Breki's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

Hi Breki,

Thanks for pointing me to Maperitive! It looks like Maperitive might be very well in line with what we need (we only need maps of specific local areas in the U.S.).



(14 Feb '11, 16:59) Ethan H

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question asked: 10 Feb '11, 03:17

question was seen: 16,888 times

last updated: 14 Feb '11, 17:02

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