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  1. MotionX-GSM lets me capture a track, email it to myself, download the file and upload the track to OSM. That's great, but is there a more streamlined way, like could I email the track directly to OSM? (I also have OSMTrack. It lacks the bells and whistles of MotionX-GPS, but it takes care of direct uploads to OSM. But I like the bells and whistles.)

  2. MotionX-GSM allows to take photos while recording a track. Is there a way to leverage those in Potlatch or any other OSM editor? I am not sure where they are stored, looks like MotionX may be storing them on their server. Are they in any way referenced in the GPX or KMZ that MotionX-GPS emails?

asked 09 Feb '11, 23:09

ponzu's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

closed 14 Feb '11, 23:21

For your first point, you could ask the makers of MotionX to support direct uploading to OSM. There's nothing that we can do, within the OSM Community, to enhance their application for them.

With regards to the photos, you'll have to find out where the photos are, and whether they are available in some useful format or not, before we can give you any suggestions. Again, it might be worth asking the MotionX guys about this.

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answered 10 Feb '11, 09:31

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan
accept rate: 28%

Thanks, Andy. I appreciate your willingness to help, however my question was more to the users of MotionX. By asking the question, I am trying to "find out where the photos are, and whether they are available in some useful format or not" - as you suggest. I don't know who "MotionX guys" are, I am not as engaged in their community, if they have any, as I am trying to be here, so I'm bringing my questions here.

And to my first question, I know I could have asked it more specifically, but can I upload tracks to OSM via e-mail? That would constitute streamlining to me.

(10 Feb '11, 17:26) ponzu

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question asked: 09 Feb '11, 23:09

question was seen: 7,637 times

last updated: 15 Feb '11, 17:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum