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I'm trying to get OSM data loaded onto my Garmin Nuvi 260. I downloaded data from , extracted it, and put the contents on a freshly FAT32 formatted 8GB microSD card. The contents are as follows (/Volumes/NUVI is the mountpoint on my machine, "Garmin" is in the root of the SD card):

/Volumes/NUVI/Garmin/gmapsupp.img   <--- the 3.3GB file from OSM

When I insert the card into my Nuvi 260 and power it on, I see a green progress bar on the boot screen of the Nuvi (which I don't see under normal operation, eg without the SD card). After powering on, which takes ~30 seconds, I open the maps/map info options, and unfortunately do not see the OSM data; I only see the stock "City Navigator North America NT 2009".

Any suggestions on things I might have missed along the way?

Thanks so much!

nuvi 260, Software Version 2.80

asked 28 Nov '13, 22:57

jedediah's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I don't own a Garmin, but maybe you need to work with a '/map/gsupmap?.img' as suggested for Nüvi 2350?

(29 Nov '13, 08:53) iii

Garmin/gmapsupp.img should be ok, no other names are allowed as far as I know, btw what is this file ._gmapsupp.img doing there?

(29 Nov '13, 11:18) ligfietser

(from reading the question, the questioner has already done this bit, but for the benefit of anyone else coming here):

After installing a new map, you'll probably need to turn it on.

On the Nuvi 1300 in front of me, I have to select "tools / settings / map / info" and ensure that the box next to the map that you want to use is ticked.

(29 Nov '13, 15:45) SomeoneElse ♦

Maybe your nüvi wont accept large SDHC cards (my 310 only accepts cards with max 2 Gb capacity)

permanent link

answered 29 Nov '13, 11:15

ligfietser's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

edited 29 Nov '13, 11:16

(29 Nov '13, 12:09) ligfietser
(29 Nov '13, 15:53) SomeoneElse ♦


I ended up using to build a map that was relevant to my area and fit within 2GB.

(19 Dec '13, 03:55) jedediah

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question asked: 28 Nov '13, 22:57

question was seen: 6,484 times

last updated: 19 Dec '13, 03:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum