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Hi all. Looking at downtown Siem Reap, Cambodia and the area as a whole, I was wondering whether it'd be okay to either tidy up or remove these rather (no offence) shoddily outlined buildings. Though they are very compact, should they be traced in this way? I was looking to tidy up and add to the area, but I'd rather not step on someone's toes if I go ahead.

asked 28 Nov '13, 06:21

jimdb's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

IMHO it's ok to split them up and create smaller buildings using the old nodes (creates a usefull history). There is no formal definition, on which level buildings should be entered to be useful. You should also contact the local community about their opinion:

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answered 28 Nov '13, 08:07

iii's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

I am not sure what you mean by "shoddily" here.

No, you should not delete them. Remember that the one who did them would be quite disappointed if his work gets deleted. They are not wrong - there are buildings, right? You could improve them. Also remember that the aerial imagery could have been worse in the past – so drawing more accurately would not have been possible.

Just contacting the one to whom the toes in question belong to could help (at least if the user is still active – look at his edits). Tell him what you think about the buildings. Maybe why you think that they better should not have been drawn like this at all. :-)

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answered 28 Nov '13, 19:47

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

Of course, you are always welcome to improve existing data.

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answered 28 Nov '13, 08:28

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

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question asked: 28 Nov '13, 06:21

question was seen: 3,692 times

last updated: 28 Nov '13, 19:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum