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I have just started working on openstreetmaps after downloading a navigator that uses it and finding the maps in Wisconsin to be missing alot of data. Our post office has been struggling for some time now and has consolidated several townships into single postage addresses. For example, I am at the address N5057 745th St Ellsworth, WI 54011. If you send mail to that address it will come here. However, We're in the Trimbelle township so when I enter 745th St Ellsworth into the map it doesn't recognize it as a valid address. I travel constantly for work and have a book of addresses of folks to visit but the addresses are postal addresses and I'm finding several of them, while working fine with Google Maps, do not work with openstreetmaps. I'd be happy to do the editing as I find these if someone could walk me through how. Thanks.

asked 24 Nov '13, 15:04

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question asked: 24 Nov '13, 15:04

question was seen: 1,650 times

last updated: 24 Nov '13, 15:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum