Is it possible to set up OsmAnd to display cords in UTM vs Lat and Long? I am on a Search and Rescue team and we use UTM, as do most if not all the team here in New York. This would really help make this program more useful to us. thanks |
It's certainly possible, but it really depends on the app you're using. "OpenStreetMap" is just a central database of map data that any app, website or printed map can use. Those apps are free to display co-ordinates in Universal Transverse Mercator, or latitude and longitude, or miles and bearing from a penguin called Gerald... or indeed any other format they choose. So if the app you're using doesn't support the co-ordinates in the projection you want, you should contact the app makers and ask them to add the feature. 1
FWIW, Mapnik can generate images in projections other than spherical Mercator. I've set up for generating paper maps of the mountain I'm a back country patroller for using UTM and set it up so I can have either a NAD27 CONUS or WGS84 UTM grid printed. That doesn't help for the current question though. I'd contact the people who created the map app you are using and see if they can add your required projection and display information. Hmmm. I'm using Osmand and the Open Ski Map addon. I guess I should work with them to add this feature for myself. :)
(21 Nov '13, 17:12)
yes, on my search team we never know where the next call will come from and being able to get our cords in UTM would be a great help, i'm using the Osmand because of the ability to "store" maps on my phone and not have to rely on WiFi. also like the Mapnik maps, because of the ability to do edits and have the changes posted fairly fast.
(21 Nov '13, 17:16)
Sounds reasonable to me. As you don't want to change the whole map projection, but just to enter UTM coordinates, I like to suggest to you to open a feature project for the team: An altenative might be to use PNDs/GPS devices, that are very flexible in that way. Currently OSM is supported at Garmin and Magellan(less well).
(21 Nov '13, 22:06)
thanks, i will contact the team about it. as far as other GPS units a few of us have them. but we are all volunteers and have to buy everything ourselves, and those units are pretty pricey. with a couple of tweaks the Osmand app could become very useful to us.
(21 Nov '13, 23:24)
Are you talking about online maps, printed maps, or an specific tool?
online maps that are downloaded (stored) on a tablet or phone, for example your in a spot and click on it for more info (location)and you get the box that pops up with lat and long, can it be made so you can make it so it shows in UTM.
@johnc: As with the other question: Please explain that more. "online maps" and "downloaded" contradicts a bit. Update: okay, from your other question – you likely mean "cached" (from a previous map view) instead of "downloaded". And: OsmAnd (have added it to the question).