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is it possible to get contour lines to show on download mapnik maps? I'm looking to be able to view contour lines on my Phone or tablet when in the Mapnik map layer (in OsmAnd on android).

asked 21 Nov '13, 16:24

Johnc's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 21 Nov '13, 17:21

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Hmm, now what is your use case, please describe that much more. Do you want to "download" maps? For which program? Or do you just want to view maps with an online connection with some program on your phone or tablet? Which operating system?

(21 Nov '13, 16:59) aseerel4c26 ♦

on my android phone, if i am using the offline vector maps and the contour plug in active i can view the contour lines. but if i am trying to view mapnik maps that i have stored on my phone i can't seem to get the contour over lay to work, regardless of whether i have a wifi connection or not.

(21 Nov '13, 17:07) Johnc

Which application are you viewing the "offline vector maps" in?

(21 Nov '13, 17:09) SomeoneElse ♦


(21 Nov '13, 17:10) Johnc

so your question is only about using this app? To explain our confusion here: OSM is just data - and many services/maps/apps are using our data.

(21 Nov '13, 17:15) aseerel4c26 ♦

yep just picked up on what the confusion is, sorry, but yes i am using the Osmand app on an android.

(21 Nov '13, 17:18) Johnc
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You can do, but it requires some work:
There are already compiled packages, that need to be integrated manually:

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answered 21 Nov '13, 16:31

iii's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

Guess i should have been more specific, I'm looking to be able to view contour lines on my Phone or tablet when in the Mapnik map layer.

(21 Nov '13, 16:42) Johnc

I'm not familiar with OSMAnd, but a quick web search finds this answer:!searchin/osmand/contours/osmand/ZmQltT8ss-U/kxGC26__hlMJ

which sounds like a similar issue. However, I'm confused when you say both "mapnik" and "offline". OSMAnd's offline maps are its own vector format and aren't based on any of the raster stylesheets available at When configured to use Online maps OSMAnd does refer to the OSM standard map as "mapnik", but it's NOT offline.

Certainly, people in the OSMAnd google group are more likely to be familiar with the application than here.

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answered 21 Nov '13, 17:19

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%


right with the Mapnik, it is online but when i view it my phone saves the maps on my SD card and then you can then view them even if off line or out of Wi Fi coverage, and i will have to give that group a shout too.

(21 Nov '13, 17:23) Johnc

@Johnc: Just to throw in the likely correct term (may help your search): it is "cached" (from a previous map view) instead of "downloaded".

(21 Nov '13, 17:26) aseerel4c26 ♦

yeah that would probably help to use the correct terms.

(21 Nov '13, 17:36) Johnc

@Johnc so it does! becomes Z:\misc\android\osmand\tiles\CycleMap\16\32522\21306.png.tile . So you could, if you wanted to, generate tiles as per the "switch2osm" guide that included SRTM data and distribute as required. Obviously total tile size and file handles may become an issue at some point though with a very large cache.

(21 Nov '13, 17:46) SomeoneElse ♦

There is a contour lines plugin that does the work:

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answered 21 Nov '13, 22:19

iii's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

But on the plugin's play store page it is described only to work for "OsmAnd's offline maps". Nothing mentioned of the online maps. Yes, if offline maps should be used this one is useful.

(21 Nov '13, 22:33) aseerel4c26 ♦

correct it works good with the offline vector maps, but i would like to see if i could get them to show with cached mapnik maps as well, they are more detailed or at least able to be made to be more detailed.

(21 Nov '13, 23:19) Johnc

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question asked: 21 Nov '13, 16:24

question was seen: 9,307 times

last updated: 21 Nov '13, 23:19

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