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Hello there,

I was wondering if there was a way to create a custom map on a web browser.

If I understand correctly, new maps can be created on the desktop version only. When a change is made to a map via Potlatch, it changes the main site.

Is there a similar sandbox mode online?

Update/clarification: I'm creating a class to teach government officials how to map using OSM and other tools in disaster relief efforts. Ideally, it would be a map (or layer) that uses current OSM location information but whose content not show up on the site itself.

asked 20 Nov '13, 17:58

WilliamMcL's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Nov '13, 21:22

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

In fact a search for "sandbox" yields how-to-implement-a-mapnik-sandbox-without-installing-anything which is quite similar, but without the teaching aspect but instead to try out for oneself and without the requirement "current OSM location information". It still may provide useful info which could be easily adapted to your use case. … Meta: Close to a duplicate, but the teaching aspect may make a difference.

(20 Nov '13, 21:32) aseerel4c26 ♦

One possibility might be to use the development server at . It will allow people to get familiar with editors etc., but they won't see the results of their editing on any rendered map anywhere (unless there's a map already rendered from that data somewhere that I'm not aware of).

I've used it a few times when setting up test data for questions and answers on this site, and I've also used it to have a play with the new editors away from live data.

(thinking aloud here...)

If you wanted to see the results of people's editing on an OSM-style slippy map someone could perhaps use a map call against the dev API to extract the data that you're interested in, and feed it into a switch2osm-style rendering database. Setting that up wouldn't be straightforward if you've not done it before, but it shouldn't be that complicated.

(editing this answer to add a bit more detail since this question has popped up again)

One way of doing it is to set JOSM to download from the dev API - set the API in there to . Try and download the biggest area that the API will let you (it's the dev API, so there won't actually be that much data there). JOSM tells you when a bounding box is "likely too large" when you're specifying it - a "not quite too large" one would have the scale at the top left displaying about 5km. Save the resulting .osm file and load that.

permanent link

answered 20 Nov '13, 20:31

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

edited 03 Dec '17, 17:24

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question asked: 20 Nov '13, 17:58

question was seen: 9,046 times

last updated: 03 Dec '17, 17:24

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