How to add a big area? I wanted to add the "Charles M Russell National Wildlife Refuge" but the area is so big and I can't zoom out enough to have an overview to draw the area in the map. asked 19 Nov '13, 17:23 ivolino aseerel4c26 ♦ |
I'd plainly response with "Use JOSM" even if people will hate me doing so. :) Though I am earnest since with JOSM you can edit big areas without problems - but you can also make much bigger mistakes. answered 19 Nov '13, 19:15 malenki |
If you still wanted to use Potlatch 2, then you could draw portions of the border, and add them to a relation for the refuge. Probably it'd make the most sense to make it a type=multipolygon relation, and add relevant tags to the relation. On each way, you'd add them to the relation, and give them a role of outer (or inner). answered 20 Nov '13, 15:20 neuhausr 1
If the "have an overview to draw the area in the map" is no requirement, yes. But it should be possible to do it with Potlatch2 and one way (no parts and relation):
(20 Nov '13, 15:35)
aseerel4c26 ♦
I tried draw a part of the way and move the window but I had to move it so often that I stopped drawing the area after some time.
(20 Nov '13, 16:14)
Why can't you "zoom out enough"? Which editor do you use?
Potlatch 2