How to tag a road for only 4x4 offroad car use? |
In general: Please use the search in the wiki. And see which-tags-do-i-use. I see not much sense to duplicate the wiki in this help site. ;-) 2
I'd second that but would make a couple of comments - "4wd_only" arose out of common Australian signage, so it's a clearly verifiable tag - something that all tagging should aspire to be. Also, don't forget to add a surface description (whether or not "4wd_only=yes" is appropriate), as it will help users of all vehicles and none decide whether a particular road or track is for them.
(19 Nov '13, 18:35)
SomeoneElse ♦
@SomeoneElse: you likely are referring to Key:surface (and maybe other tags mentioned there) (links make life easier), right?
(19 Nov '13, 20:08)
aseerel4c26 ♦