Hi, now I can only export a small area map, if I want to download a wider area map, say a map for London city, is it any way to do it? Thank you very much. |
If you want to download raster map tiles, then please use one of this tools:
If you need instead raw vector geodata, then please get a Planet extract and maybe cut it with osmosis. Or you use the Overpass API that is read only. If you otherwise refer to a specific application, please lookup there documentation on how to upgrade map packages. 2
The wiki link for MobAC says "This tool results in heavy traffic for the OSM tile servers and is likely to be blocked."
(21 Nov '13, 15:56)
SomeoneElse ♦
What do you want to download the map onto - smartphone, desktop computer, Garmin GPS...?
And what do you want to download : only map tiles or the data ?