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I'm in Kauai for two weeks and am seeing TIGER (a mix of 2008 and 2009) data for first time. These roads are made of many segments with many tags. Even drawing a bridge may mean reconciling 4 incompatible bits of the same road. Adding refs is impossible. I think this is why not much has been done here, and it needs lots of work.

If I have traveled a road, have GPS traces, Bing and notes, can I just draw and tag it like any other road in an area without Tiger (thus deleting all the Tiger tags)?

Thanks, Tom

asked 09 Feb '11, 06:33

Tom%20Layo's gravatar image

Tom Layo
accept rate: 0%

Don't forget to accept an answer (the round checkmark button).

(10 Mar '11, 16:58) Baloo Uriza

It's not critical that TIGER be retained, especially if there are serious problems with alignment in addition to small road segments. Just be sure to replace it with good data such as you mention which were obtained with GPS traces.

If the TIGER data is aligned well, you may create longer ways by combining segments of the same road:

  • JOSM: Highlight multiple segments and press "C" (Combine)
  • Potlatch 1: Click one way to select it, then hold Ctrl while clicking the other.
  • Potlatch 2: Select all the ways you want to merge (use ctrl-click for this, or command-click if you're on a Mac), then click the 'Join' chainlink icon in the toolbox.
permanent link

answered 09 Feb '11, 12:00

Mike%20N's gravatar image

Mike N
accept rate: 17%

edited 10 Feb '11, 12:28

Mike, thanks. The TIGER data is either well aligned, or far off. I can't move it, because I drag administrative crap along with it. I can't combine segments because the tags are so different, or because many roads are shared with multipolygons. A blank slate is what I crave. If there better place to discuss this, please let me know.

(10 Feb '11, 05:54) Tom Layo

In Potlatch 2, select all the ways you want to merge (use ctrl-click for this, or command-click if you're on a Mac), then click the 'Join' chainlink icon in the toolbox.

(10 Feb '11, 09:46) Richard ♦

Why not fix the existing TIGER ways? Portland was similarly boned, being both out of alignment and apparently drawn on a wet bar napkin in the rain, but in the end a dedicated effort got it sorted.

permanent link

answered 09 Feb '11, 06:36

Baloo%20Uriza's gravatar image

Baloo Uriza
accept rate: 9%


Thanks for your fast answer, Paul! The problem is that I've wasted 2 days of a short vacation and have accomplished little. No time for one person to do that.

(10 Feb '11, 05:46) Tom Layo

Collect the data, enter it later. Enjoy Hawai'i!

(10 Feb '11, 06:27) Baloo Uriza

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question asked: 09 Feb '11, 06:33

question was seen: 5,387 times

last updated: 10 Mar '11, 16:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum