This should be easy, but it's got me stumped! How does one undo one's saved changes? I was just finishing some changes and suddenly everything went pear-shaped on me: Buildings which I'd identified miraculously moved themselves out of position; and I was unable to activate their borders, or move them back where they belonged. I figured the best thing to do was delete the changes I'd already made and start over. But—Alas!—I've so far been unable to find a way to undo those changes. How is this done? HELPFUL suggestions will be greatly appreciated on this undo-changes matter. Thank you! |
Generally speaking, it isn't always straightforward to undo a saved changeset ("revert" it). There's a summary of the issues on this previous question. However, in your case it may be straightforward, since I'm presuming that we're talking about this edit, as it wasn't made very long ago, and it's unlikely that anyone has made other changes based on yours. However - looking at it I don't necessarily think that it needs reverting though - just change the shape of the buildings a bit and delete the duplicate nodes? In the more general case you may often get a quicker response on IRC than the help site. |