Hi Dabbi, you should draw the breakwater as what it is, a structure, take a look here, http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/51.82697/5.07256. Now theres like scai mentioned just a path to the light. Add the footway on top of the breakwater or dam. I think Hendrikklaas is suggesting that those two tags shouldn't share the same way, but that instead the breakwater should be an area, and the footway drawn within it. (or, more precisely, if you want them both to be rendered, it's more likely to happen if you draw and tag two separate features) In addition, in the case Dabbi links to, it may also be good to modify the coastline to go along the outside of the breakwater, too.
(15 Nov '13, 16:37)
Scai, you suggested a structure around the footway isn’t it, or I’m misinterpretating ?
(16 Nov '13, 20:05)
Could you perhaps say what you're seeing, as I see a footway in most cases?
I guess he expects to see some additional structure around the footway.