Did I miss something ? After reading a question about heights, the whole OSM mapnik presentation seems to be filled with markers. For instance http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=14/51.5160/-0.1457&layers=N. They were first behind the KR button or similar control tools. How to avoid there presents on my screen, they’re annoying. |
The markers you are seeing are coming from the "new" notes feature which has been introduced on April this year. They are disabled by default and I guess you followed a link where they have been activated (there is also a ticket addressing this issue). You can change this setting via the sidebar at the layer selection. I did both things and descibed them as well, in my question. The layer selection works the same as logout - login, thanks to default.
(13 Nov '13, 13:15)
A screenshot would be very useful here. Also do check your layer selection.