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I have download the latest OSM map for Spain and Portugal from . Using the Garmin MapSource and BaseCamp I found that with this programs and the OSM map is not possible to trace routes, because the programs only trace a "line" between points and not trace the streets/roads trace. I also have found that the street way is not correctly represented. Are the OSM maps including such information to trace routes using Garmin software? Are there any problem with the streets ways?


asked 11 Nov '13, 12:46

Enrique_Spain's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 14 Nov '13, 11:13

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


Where did you download "the latest OSM map for Spain and Portugal" from? There are lots of ones showing different features, some routable, some not.

(11 Nov '13, 12:48) SomeoneElse ♦

I have download the maps from:

(11 Nov '13, 13:12) Enrique_Spain

Does the routing work in no place on the map? Does the routing work at (for example) graphhopper routing? If it also does not work with Graphhopper then our data may be wrong.

(14 Nov '13, 11:31) aseerel4c26 ♦

For info - I'm not using maps, but my own routable ones created with mkgmap, and when I create a route in Mapsource (6.13.7) between two points it does route via roads rather than just showing a straight line. However, the route itself only consists of two points - it's the Mapsource software (or Garmin device) that does the actual routing. It therefore is possible (at least for me) to create on-street routes using OSM data in Garmin software and on Garmin devices.

(14 Nov '13, 12:59) SomeoneElse ♦

It sounds like the Mapsource routing preference has been set to direct routing. Look in the menus (I think it is Edit / Preferences, not at my mapping computer now to check). A dialog box will pop up. Click on the routing tab. You will be given a number of options. Select automobile (or car) or which ever other mode you like. This will then use appropriate routable ways for calculating the route between 2 or more points.

Once a route has been generated, there is the option available by right clicking on the route listing to convert it to a track. This will generate a series of points along the route. This is a great way for sharing routes with people that do not necessarily have the same maps that you have. The GPX track can then be overlaid over whatever map they have available.

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answered 17 Nov '13, 07:07

rovingmedic's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

MapSource and BaseCamp are not meant to be used to edit the map. They are used to manage the maps installed on a garmin device, manage aerial imagery (using paid subscription), manage personal GPX waypoints and tracks, update the device firmware, etc.

You seem to have confused the ability to trace a GPX way (which can be overlaid on the map) with the ability to trace / edit streets (which are part of the actual map). GPX tracks and waypoints are usefull for example to plan or review a hike, but are not tied to map data.

If you want to edit the map, use an osm editor such as the one on (iD) or josm. The changes you made will be available at after the next update.

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answered 14 Nov '13, 12:16

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

Hmm, "editing" is not mentioned in the question. I think it is just about to create routes (e.g. for planning a bike tour) which automatically follow ("trace") the shortest/fastest path on streets. Well, Enrique will clarify what he means. ;-)

(14 Nov '13, 12:44) aseerel4c26 ♦

Maybe you want to have a look at QlandkarteGT. Using this program I could do routing using the embedded webrouters and create routes using OSM vector data.

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answered 17 Nov '13, 12:41

malenki's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

I have discovered that the Garmin device, using these maps, sometimes get blocked trying to calculate and trace a long route. I have follow your recommendations, and I wish to thank your attention, but for the moment, probably with some regions, the tracing problems persist.

Thanks and I tried with other software.

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answered 17 Nov '13, 16:26

Enrique_Spain's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

meta: could you please use the "add a comment" link below each answer to comment (you need to be logged in before). This one can be deleted then.

(17 Nov '13, 17:38) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 11 Nov '13, 12:46

question was seen: 7,208 times

last updated: 17 Nov '13, 17:38

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