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Hi there, I have updated a shop several weeks ago, now, going back to that town, the shop appears only to logged in users AND when clicking the edit tab In the view mode it doesn´t show. Now I updated the shop with the correct tag "shop:optician" adding address and the opening hours. Everything seems correct (to me). Can anyone explain that? Thanks for any reply and apologies if the question has already been asked. Best Regards Luca

Shop name: Ottica Gislon Full address: Viale San Giorgio 7, 33081 Aviano, Italy

asked 09 Nov '13, 10:41

lux99's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

(09 Nov '13, 11:13) hfst

You can try alternative renderers, like

But it is true, rendering in OSM needs improvement, badly.
Because stuff like shops and POIs are among the most important features
mapusers are looking for.
And having objects in the database, but not showing them
makes them useless to the end-user, and results in wasting many good first-impressions...

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answered 09 Nov '13, 12:47

hajo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Nov '13, 13:02

Hello Hajo,

yore´re perfectly right, objects in the database who are not showing is a non sense.

Just to improve my knowledge in OSM editing I´ve been investigating that village in Italy and searched for the local vet, Address Via Mazzini 28, that I personally know - I am a vet as well, but I am not updating my own practice - the only link I have with that village in Italy is that my parents live there.

Again in the edit mode the practice is there, someone has placed it and marked it as amenity:veterinary. I´m very much pleased to hear that going to the vet is an amenity and not a necessity... Anyway, this tag has been discussed and approved in 2008, it is also rendered .

Since then nothing really happened and I understand Mapnik maintainers/authors either don´t like vets (just kidding) or don´t care that so many approved and rendered tags could be seen from users. It´s a bit of a shame in my opinion and definitely doesn´t attract contributors. I´m asking myself why should I waste time editing something that never shows in the map.

Nonetheless I invested a bit more time and changed the tag of the confectionery, address Viale San Giorgio 9, to "Bar" because the place is also a bar where you can sit and have a coffee. Now it shows in the view mode, but there is no way to know the place is offering delicious home made stuff, a "property" that other bars in town do not offer.

A nice Sunday to everyone reading this (long) comment.


(10 Nov '13, 09:05) lux99

The problem is that any particular map (such as the "standard" map on the OSM website) can't show everything - there are an infinite number of possible tags and values. A previous question discussing what shops are shown and what are not is here.

There's another issue that might come into play in crowded areas - you'll notice that in "crowded" areas some text isn't displayed on the standard map until you zoom in. That's because the renderer doesn't display text over the top of other text because it wouldn't be possible to read it.

That said, there probably is a map somewhere that tries to do a "good" rendering of all shops in a given area (at the expense of other data) and hopefully someone can add a link to it to this question.

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answered 09 Nov '13, 12:17

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Thanks SomeoneElse for your explanation,

I understand there´s a limited number of tags for visible shops, very limited in my opinion.

I am a newbie here and not experienced programmer or whatever. However, from the user´s point of view, I think that having a variety of shop icons can make the difference between OSM and other maps available on the internet, like Google and Bing.

That could enhance the number of contributors to the project, being able to see edits on the standard map view is rewarding, isn´t it?

Best Regards.


(09 Nov '13, 12:48) lux99

For info, there's a discussion about how to render more shops on the issue tracker for the "standard" map stylesheet here:

(09 Nov '13, 13:30) SomeoneElse ♦

Take a look at here and you'll find out, that there is not image defined for opticians (and some other shops). Maybe that's the reason. However, I would tag the address to the house but not to the shop as there are other shops (e.g. Pasticceria L´Etoile) also at the same adress.

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answered 09 Nov '13, 11:19

hfst's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thanks for your quick reply hfst,

In Italy is not common for houses to have a name except for historical buildings, shopping centers and similar new buildings. In fact the building you mentioned has no particular name and the shop next to the optician has only a different house number, nr 9 instead of 7, which I have updated now.

I´ve seen your link to the tags and thanks for your suggestion. I viewed the tag optician in the wiki again - and noticed that his status is "undefined". Is that the reason why the shop doesn´t show in the view mode? If yes, can anyone explain how to change such a status? An optician is something that exists in almost every town... Thanks and have a nice weekend Luca

(09 Nov '13, 12:06) lux99

No. The icon on the corresponding wiki page or the status don't really matter. The tile rendering is independent from these two things and just the used stylesheet is important.

(10 Nov '13, 21:17) scai ♦

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question asked: 09 Nov '13, 10:41

question was seen: 6,879 times

last updated: 10 Nov '13, 21:18

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