How do I get OpenStreetMap to keep me logged in long term? I check the "Remember Me" box every time I log in. If I go back to the site soon after that, I will still be logged in. But if I go back to the site maybe a week later, I'll be logged out again. It would be much more convenient if I stayed logged in forever. I have cookies disabled in Firebox but I have an exception set for to allow cookies indefinitely. I have the same problem on my phone, which allows all cookies. I don't know if this has been asked before. I've searched for "Stay Logged In", "Remember Me", and "Cookies". |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Problem is outdated, fixed." by aseerel4c26 19 Nov '13, 00:43
Same for me (since ever?). Have added it as bug report: . If it works for someone please comment there. Update: Problem likely identified. A server config has been changed. And: If you are using NoScript a workaround is available. See my comment in the bug report. Update2: TomH removed an older workaround for another problem, which seems to be not needed anymore. Now works with NoScript's secure cookie setting without whitelisting it. It could still be a bug in NoScript - not sure. |