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Our localOSM community is in the early stage of an import (Note: We have not uploaded anything yet).

There are several consecutive highways (as lines) whose beginning and ending nodes are the same as the ending and beginning nodes of adjacent lines and these lines have the same tags. See this image as an example

Are there any existing tools that would automatically merge those ways together if they have the same tags? The only way that I know of to fix this is to select all of the lines in JOSM and use the combine tool.

asked 05 Nov '13, 19:24

skorasaurus's gravatar image

accept rate: 12%

retagged 08 Nov '13, 20:58

hfst's gravatar image


While not a complete solution, the way selector plugin should help a bit.

Otherwise, sounds like a good idea for a plugin or even a validator check :)

permanent link

answered 06 Nov '13, 09:41

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%


This is great and a very appropriate solution! The only disadvantage is that it does not merge the ways but after they are selected, you can merge them with a single keystroke. :)

(07 Nov '13, 03:10) skorasaurus

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question asked: 05 Nov '13, 19:24

question was seen: 4,725 times

last updated: 08 Nov '13, 20:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum