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The transparent map comparison overlay at is not displaying correctly for me. Though I never use the Google information when editing, it is useful to compare on screen to locate areas where the OpenStreetMap is deficient and requires a gps survey (or indeed fix the google map sometimes). For me the slider bar is present at the top, but the zoom bar and the box on the right side only momentarily appear before the OSM alone loads (ie no other comparison layer). I am not able to select a layer because the box on the right side is not accessible.

Is it the same for you?, and is there an obvious solution that that eludes me.

There are other similar tools but this one suited me quite well until now.

asked 05 Nov '13, 10:31

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 13 Nov '13, 17:03

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Just tested and same issue for me. There's a contact address on if you want to ping Frank Sautter about it.

permanent link

answered 05 Nov '13, 11:35

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%


thanks, I just sent a query to him.

(05 Nov '13, 11:42) nevw

Seems to be working for me at present (Ubuntu 12.04 running Firefox 25).

I had not seen that site before. Interesting to compare some of the rural areas where I'd cleaned up a bunch of Tiger garbage using Bing and my personal GPS tracks. Looks like Google still has work to do in those areas.

(13 Nov '13, 17:59) n76

Hi, why do you use an external Sauter- and Google map to compare to OSM, instead of the free Bing view ? Shouldn’t you ask this at Sauters helpdesk instead of the OSM community?

permanent link

answered 05 Nov '13, 11:16

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


To clarify for someone new stumbling over this question: What's true is that we are not allowed and don't want to use other maps (like google's) for our contributions (there are some few exceptions with special license agreement). One has to take great care to not do that accidentally – therefore I rather do not use those comparison tools at all.

(13 Nov '13, 17:01) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 05 Nov '13, 10:31

question was seen: 3,429 times

last updated: 13 Nov '13, 18:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum