Morning people I had some good advice on creating personal maps an am using Umaps, so thanks for that. I can view other users maps which appear to have disabled the pencil icon On his map the Edit button has been disabled because I assume he's managed to disable it form the public view, similar for all of the others. For the life of me I can't see how to disable the 'pencil' icon. Any help would be appreciate. Supplementary: This is the map iframe on a test site: Note when you 'see full screen' the pencil appears. Ideally I'd like to just hide that pencil as the functions are disabled. Thanks in advance asked 05 Nov '13, 09:27 Submarine |
On the website of uMap there is a button called "Feedback" which contains an email address of the author ... maybe you can ask him direktly? or see the OSM wiki about UMap answered 05 Nov '13, 17:12 stephan75 SomeoneElse ♦ |
All hope this is useful. I've mailed the owner and he's come back with the following. Append "?allowEdit=0" to the shared map - this gets rid of the 'pencil' icon. answered 06 Nov '13, 10:28 Submarine |
On the right hand side of your map: Click pencil Click key icon Set Edit Status to 'only owner can edit' answered 17 Jun '14, 09:18 Submarine Thanks Submarine! I've tried. But it doesn't work. The icon is still there, only changes could not be saved. Yesterday i've opened your map ( ) and there was no pencil icon. Today there is also one. I don't understand.
(17 Jun '14, 09:32)
To hide the pencil when embedding the map as an iframe, I added “allowEdit=0&editInOSMControl=0” to the query string. Basically everything after the “?” sets a property on the embedded map.
(17 Jun '14, 10:30)
Yes, that's right. But everyone can change the URL parameter. So everyone can clone/copy each map.
(17 Jun '14, 10:36)
Ok, I've closed a map for you to try. Try and edit it it. Set to only me can edit. Relatively sure you can't save your changes
(17 Jun '14, 10:46)
perhaps, you, as the owner of the map, will always see the edit mode ?
I have the same problem. Maybe someone can help me please? How can i disable the edit pen in the public version?
With the iframe this is possible, but everyone can change the parameter.