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Hello everyone and thanks for reading this post,

Firstable, I am discovering OpenStreetMap and I like it, this represents a lot of work for the community.

I would like to use part of the maps but number of a building must be shown on the map. Well I added it in the adress parameter for building but nothing shows up on the map.

Can anyone help me about it ?

asked 03 Nov '13, 20:59

the%20Lebanese's gravatar image

the Lebanese
accept rate: 0%

Could you provide a link the the building for which the address information isn't showing? A browser URL should do.

(03 Nov '13, 21:25) SomeoneElse ♦

No it appears but partially. The new road has not been drawn to the avenue on the north, and just the number 8 appears. It should have 2, 4 and 6 too.

Maybe there an amount of time to actually save the data I added

(03 Nov '13, 21:32) the Lebanese

I see "2, 2 and 6", so I guess it was just the usual "things don't show up at all zoom levels immediately" issue. There's a detailed explanation of why things show up when they do here, and a search through previous help questions will show previous answers for the same issue.

permanent link

answered 03 Nov '13, 22:07

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Thanks a lot for the link and the fast answer

This a combination of delay of database and cache to be refresh in my browser.

Problem solved

See you

(04 Nov '13, 13:54) the Lebanese

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question asked: 03 Nov '13, 20:59

question was seen: 3,220 times

last updated: 04 Nov '13, 14:37

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum