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An Italian public administration wants to generate data (as opendata) starting from a service tiles generated from OSM data. These tiles are released under CC-BY-NC. This public administration wants publish this new dataset by using the CC0 license.

It's possible, or the data must be released as ODbL?

asked 31 Oct '13, 13:52

napo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


please could you clarifiy: what is a "service tiles"? What should be published? A map (image)? What are the sources, only OSM data?

(31 Oct '13, 23:14) aseerel4c26 ♦


The short answer is that they will have to use ODbl as CC-BY-NC requires permission from the copyright owner. Since OSM data is "owned" by its contributors, who number in their thousands, that would be impossible. For more information see this page.

permanent link

answered 31 Oct '13, 16:20

Feilipu's gravatar image

accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 31 Oct '13, 13:52

question was seen: 3,112 times

last updated: 02 Nov '13, 21:17

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum