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How can I add a business listing to the maps?

asked 30 Oct '13, 17:30

rosensteellaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


What's a business listing?

(30 Oct '13, 18:10) hfst

Put either a node (point) or a closed way (building) where the business is and then add appropriate tags like shop=, office=, or amenity=. And you can add tags for phone=, website=, addr:street=, addr:housenumber=*, etc. If it is a building then you should also have a building=yes tag.

For shops see

For offices see

For tourism (hotels and such) see

For amenity (restaurants and such) see

For adding address information see

For adding telephone information see

permanent link

answered 30 Oct '13, 18:17

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

edited 30 Oct '13, 18:18

To add information (such as a shop or business) to OpenStreetMap(OSM) you need to create an account that allows you to edit the map.

The OSM wiki has a guide that will step you through signing up and editing the map.

If you don't want to sign up for an account, you can add a note to the map marking where the business is and describing information about it. But you will have to wait for someone who has signed up to notice the note and edit the map with that information. They may wait until they go out and confirm the business is there, or they may wait until they are doing other businesses in the shop.

As others asked, it is good to know what kind of business it is so we can explain how to add it to the map and point you to the most relevant tutorials.

permanent link

answered 31 Oct '13, 13:14

LivingWithDragons's gravatar image

accept rate: 4%

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question asked: 30 Oct '13, 17:30

question was seen: 12,245 times

last updated: 31 Oct '13, 13:14

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum