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When splitting a large area into single areas as it happens when splitting a row house in single houses I need to combine several lines to an area. How can this be done using iD?

asked 28 Oct '13, 19:21

hfst's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Oct '13, 20:25

Merge them by selecting one way, then Shift-clicking on the other way(s), then click Merge these lines (shortcut C).

permanent link

answered 22 Nov '13, 21:59

neuhausr's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

This will bring you a closed way, which is something different than an area.

(26 Nov '13, 21:07) hfst

@hfst: No, not really. OSM doesn't have an area element. A closed way is an area depending on the tags. iD just pretends something different which seems to confuse new users regularly.

(26 Nov '13, 21:10) scai ♦

@scai: I read this too; but iD handles a closed line different to an area.

(30 Nov '13, 18:25) hfst

@hfst: there is not such thing as an area - see your edits.

(01 Dec '13, 01:23) aseerel4c26 ♦

You can add the tag "area:yes" to the (closed) line to make it behave like an area, i.e. to have the area types in the ID editor.

(22 Feb '14, 11:25) mikalaari

@mikalaari: you likely mean area=yes ("=") (this is the commonly used written representation of a tag's key and value). But please remove it afterwards (before saving) if it is not commonly used and just needed to fix a bug in iD.

(22 Feb '14, 13:10) aseerel4c26 ♦
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question asked: 28 Oct '13, 19:21

question was seen: 9,116 times

last updated: 08 May '14, 14:27

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