My machine has been importing North America data for the past 16 days now, which to me seems unusually slow. The output currently shows:
I checked what postgreSQL is doing by:
Does that mean the machine is still indexing data? When can I expect the importing to finish? Thanks! EDIT: as one of the person answered below, I tried
Does this mean my indexing is completed? If so, why does my pg_stat_activity still show recent timestamps? |
Index creation is the final step of the import and there is no explicit end-of-import message. If you don't see any activity in 1
Check the indexes on place by login into the database with
(28 Oct '13, 21:57)
If I am not confusing things, PostgreSQL will lump all the data and index creations into one transaction, therefore, logging into the database will not show anything until everything is done. In other words, no incomplete/partial data/indexes will be shown. (confirmed to be the case for the main APIDB database at least, I do not know for the nominatim operations)
(29 Oct '13, 08:32)
Thanks, I edited my question with an output. It's hard to tell if idx_place_osm_unique was actually created or not from that output.
(29 Oct '13, 22:42)
You can see that
(29 Oct '13, 23:06)
Thanks, turns out it was finished importing (or at least I think it's finished, judging by how I can query locations)
(30 Oct '13, 22:05)
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Are the hard drives lights active? CPU usage is high (PostgreSQL CPU usage is equivalent of 100% of one core)? If so, data is still being indexed. Based on my previous experience loading the whole world file, using a not so fast computer (i7 3770k, 32GB RAM, 6 independent SATA drives, each containing a tablespace of part of the full schema), the process takes a few weeks to complete. However, if there is no drive activity, maybe something wrong happened. Again, in my case, there was one time that my cat (in portuguese!) almost broke off one of the eSATA connectors. PostgreSQL did not crash, but drive speed plummeted to about 100kB/s. Had to interrupt the process, losing (in portuguese!) weeks of work, and restart. So, in short, be very, very patient. EDIT: Your "select * from pg_stat_activity" query is the only one showing in the query. If there was some index creation, there would be other lines in the result set. Repeat the query a few more times and see if anything else appears. If not, probably everything if fine, as noted by the other commenters. |