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How do you tag amusement park facilities like roller or water coaster rides? This way is tagged as highway=bridleway which is clearly tagging for the renderer: railway=rollercoaster is also entered but probably not rendered

How about leisure=track & track=rollercoaster? Or railway=light_rail, tourism=attraction, attraction=rollercoaster?

Any other ideas?

asked 27 Oct '13, 08:51

ligfietser's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

I changed the inappropriate bridleways now into railway=monorail & service=rollercoaster.

(27 Oct '13, 13:33) ligfietser

Why don’t you just add a node with values and the actual structure of the ride or attraction. The border and the link are mentioned already.

permanent link

answered 27 Oct '13, 10:51

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


Of course I can make a note or change those tags and I have contacted the mapper already, but maybe someone here can make a good suggestion of tags that have been used for these structures. In the wiki or tagwatch there is not much info on this.

(27 Oct '13, 11:00) ligfietser

hi look here, I've seen several like these amusement or themeparks, but your ahead of us. Some rides are tagged but it's a minority.

(27 Oct '13, 12:47) Hendrikklaas

Thanks Hendrikklaas, there they tag it as railway=monorail which seem to me a better tag than light_rail

(27 Oct '13, 13:19) ligfietser

That depends there's light_rail, narrow gauge or smalspoor ? More then 1 rail then it's no monorail, if its a guided lorry, wheels over and under the rail (tube) it's IMHO not a monorail but a train. Id rather go for narrow_gauge with the extra tag gauge=width of the track. Youll even have to add material since there wooden ones to, Joris and the Dragon.

(27 Oct '13, 14:15) Hendrikklaas


This theme park a Dreamword one has been tagged railway=light_rail with name=Roller Coaster in common with other rides at the park. To me this seems to work well, in the absence of a specific tag.

I notice that a tag is proposed roller_coaster

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answered 27 Oct '13, 11:36

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 27 Oct '13, 11:43

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question asked: 27 Oct '13, 08:51

question was seen: 4,169 times

last updated: 27 Oct '13, 14:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum