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i have buildings data from osm and ward boundaries. i need to find which building lies in which ward and add that information in the building data.


way id='242474181' action='modify' timestamp='2013-10-17T11:42:37Z' uid='1700096' user='GautamPratik' visible='true' version='1' changeset='18401787'
    nd ref='2499343546' 
    nd ref='2499343543' 
    nd ref='2499343539' 
    nd ref='2499343541' 
    tag k='building' v='yes' 


way id='242474181' action='modify' timestamp='2013-10-17T11:42:37Z' uid='1700096' user='GautamPratik' visible='true' version='1' changeset='18401787'
    nd ref='2499343546' 
    nd ref='2499343543' 
    nd ref='2499343539' 
    nd ref='2499343541' 
    tag k='building' v='yes' 
    tag k='district' v='kathmandu' 
    tag k='vdc' v='kathmandu metropolitan city' 
    tag k='ward' v='4' 

asked 26 Oct '13, 03:14

amritkarma's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

Where do you want to add this information? In the main database or your local copy? And why do you want to add this information to each building instead of creating one single area for every ward and attach all shared information to this area?

(26 Oct '13, 20:55) scai ♦

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question asked: 26 Oct '13, 03:14

question was seen: 2,705 times

last updated: 26 Oct '13, 20:55

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum