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I want to render some SVG maps in original Mapnik style (as seen on the website).

I know already

This answer from Andy Allen suggests to use (where another confusion arises, as there is that just mentioned Nik2img source at Github and another one at Google-Code – both the same?)

  1. Can Nik2Img create SVG or any other vector files?
  2. Do I need a database (e.g. PostGIS) or can I render directly from a given osm extract file?
  3. I have read, that some instructions are outdated, because Carto is used in the rendering process of the Mapnik map tiles of since August 2013. Where can I find latest instructions on how to install a Mapnik rendering instance?

asked 23 Oct '13, 12:46

erik's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 23 Oct '13, 19:44

  1. nik2img can create SVG images, however do not assume that you could meaningfully edit them in Inkscape or even Illustrator. The SVG, coming out of the Cairo library, is relatively convoluted and hardly editable at all.

  2. You need an osm2pgsql-imported database if you want to use the standard OSM style. Mapnik is capable of processing .osm files directly but in that case the syntax for styling is vastly different, and no ready-made style exists that takes you from .osm via Mapnik to a map that looks like standard OSM.

  3. You can ignore everything you read about Carto and simply get the latest OSM Mapnik style from here - this will then be a few months old but you probably won't notice a difference.

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answered 23 Oct '13, 12:52

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

If I remember correctly, Maperitive can produce vector graphic output, and it has a map style available that comes close to mapnik.

permanent link

answered 23 Oct '13, 18:48

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 23 Oct '13, 12:46

question was seen: 7,201 times

last updated: 23 Oct '13, 19:44

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