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Am trying to import a planet file (have done this many times before) however my last 4 attempts (with different planet files) result in the following error.

Reading in file: planet-latest.osm.pbf
Processing: Node(2041920k 189.9k/s) Way(199297k 3.39k/s) Relation(47930 14.42/s)osm2pgsql: PolygonBuilder.cpp:261: geos::geomgraph::EdgeRing* geos::operation::overlay::PolygonBuilder::findShell(std::vector<geos::operation::overlay::MinimalEdgeRing*>*): Assertion `shellCount <= 1' failed

Any help would be much appreciated

asked 22 Oct '13, 17:05

daveyp1234's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Oct '13, 17:43

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

Were you able to resolve this issue? I am having similar trouble.

processing way (1213k) at 0.25k/s (done 0 of 1)osm2pgsql: PolygonBuilder.cpp:261: geos::geomgraph::EdgeRing geos::operation::overlay::PolygonBuilder::findShell(std::vector<geos::operation::overlay::minimaledgering*>): Assertion `shellCount <= 1' failed. Aborted (core dumped)

I am able to import small ammounts of data (Great Britian) but when I attempt to import other data such as europe or the planet I get the above error.

I have checked the version of geos that i am using, it is 3.4.2.

Any help would be appreciated.

(28 Oct '13, 11:26) George1372

The planet-131017.osm.pbf (available as planet-latest.osm.pbf for awhile) was incomplete. Please try another release.

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answered 23 Oct '13, 09:39

Firefishy's gravatar image

Firefishy ♦♦
accept rate: 29%


Thanks, am already in the process of reading a file from 130814....I think the last 3 or 4 planet files (up to 131017) must have been incomplete as have tried a couple of those but got the same error.

(23 Oct '13, 15:50) daveyp1234

Have now tried with planet file 130814 and three others. Same result same error.

(25 Oct '13, 08:20) daveyp1234

Importing planet dumps are extremely taxing on any system, you may want to do a prime95 burnin-test to check the machine for hardware faults. Download mprime here: and follow the test described here:

(25 Oct '13, 10:22) Firefishy ♦♦

After several attempts over even more weeks finally managed to resolve the issue by using osm2pgsql 0.81 (version on github is 0.85). Have tried the this twice to confirm the resolution.

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answered 12 Dec '13, 07:57

daveyp1234's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Assuming your hardware checks out, you may want to check your geos version as that's where the error message is arising from. geos-config --version will tell you what version. 3.3 has fixed some bugs present in 3.2

You can also open a ticket on the issue tracker at

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answered 26 Oct '13, 04:37

pnorman's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 22 Oct '13, 17:05

question was seen: 3,834 times

last updated: 12 Dec '13, 07:57

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