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I've just read about possibilities handling OSM data. I know I can do a layer in the javascript renderer to show private data and not mess up with OSM public data. I can also create my own server (It's my current approach, just for testing).

But suppose that I have data collected by my users that can be used by the community. Say bar places, or other kind of public information. But this data is not ready for public use so we use it internally.

The best way to build it is to use OSM utils and tools to map to our own server. So it's tightly integrated.

But how do you know what data is edited by your users and what data is public?

How can you do complete separation of postgres data? If you can do this you can generate diffs like OSM planet data by hour/day/whatever and export to a xml file.

This way you can select what's ready and give it to the community.

So at the end. Is there a way to add data to OSM private server that can be separated from OSM public data? (Don't tell me JOSM and offline editing ;-))

Maybe setting up two servers one full of public data and one with private one. And modify OSM tools/server to take all data from public server and after merge from private server before render/answer (nominatim). That way is completly separated.

Is that hard?

Thank you in advance.

asked 22 Oct '13, 15:59

gadLinux's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Do you mean something like this usecase?

Then consult the guys from or maybe any other "professional" provider.

permanent link

answered 22 Oct '13, 16:40

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

Yep! That can be great. This case use should be implemented by default. This way everyone with a private map server can contribute when it's ready to do it.

If you do it in a traditional way (editing directly over postgres) you will miss soon or later updates from public repos because id conflict or something. And you will unable to separate data.

So yes. That's the answer.

(22 Oct '13, 17:13) gadLinux

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question asked: 22 Oct '13, 15:59

question was seen: 3,851 times

last updated: 22 Oct '13, 17:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum