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I downloaded osm routable en ofm routable

still I cannot make routes

all I see on my oregon 550 is a purple line that doesn't follow roads between the start and the end of my route

how can I fix this ?

asked 20 Oct '13, 22:25

elfjetwaalfje's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 21 Oct '13, 00:24

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


Which site did you download it from? Which area did you download it for?

(20 Oct '13, 22:34) SomeoneElse ♦

From the Oregon's menu select, Where to, Change route activity, Select an option other than Direct routing. UPDATE This worked for me when a route was active, otherwise to "change route activity" I had do this.

  1. Main menu
  2. Setup
  3. Routing
  4. Activity
  5. then pick one of the options such as automobile driving NOT Direct routing.

  6. there are several other options such as Motor bike, Hiking, Pedestrian and Mountain biking I have not checked if or how routing decisions work with each. You will have to try it to see if it works in a way that suit you. ( My Garmin is an Oregon 450 which shares the same instruction PDF)

permanent link

answered 21 Oct '13, 00:10

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 21 Oct '13, 11:00

I have just created a point the other side of town and choose GO in automobile driving mode, result is correct route around the one way system. I then switched to Pedestrian mode and route was quickly recalculated to the shorter route on footpaths.

(21 Oct '13, 09:31) andy mackey

another option is to choose PROMPTED under SETUP / ROUTING. Then the GPS will always give you a list of routing types for you to choose. I find this very useful as I often use direct routing and automobile routing. This allows me to choose the method that I need rather than always having to go back and select change routing activity.

(21 Oct '13, 19:38) rovingmedic

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question asked: 20 Oct '13, 22:25

question was seen: 5,477 times

last updated: 21 Oct '13, 19:38

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum