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In Brazil at least, the vehicles drive on the right side of the road. "Right" as in "opposite of left", let me be clear... :) However there are a few places here where that, for some reason, the lanes of a two-way street are reversed. It means that in this place, vehicles drive on the "left" side of the road.

How do I tag these streets? If they were wide enough, I would draw them as separate ways, but they are roads with only one lane in each direction, and there is no separator between them. Obviously, the way is "oneway=no", but with "sides" exchanged.

The "lanes" key, with the "forward"/"backward" subkeys seem not to address this issue, nor the "oneway" key, as per their documentation.

Thanks in advance.

asked 20 Oct '13, 00:10

MCPicoli's gravatar image

accept rate: 24%


That's obviously a case where reallity has it wrong, and the local authority should sober up and restore normality.</joke>

(21 Oct '13, 10:14) Vincent de P... ♦

While it's normally used on a country-wide boundary, you should probably add driving_side=left/right to the way itself. I doubt if this tag is used by any routing engine or other data consumer, however.

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answered 21 Oct '13, 10:18

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

edited 21 Oct '13, 13:47

Tordanik's gravatar image



Great find, I didn't know that one - and I bet many others didn't either.

(21 Oct '13, 13:50) Tordanik

Seems to be currently used on 13 highway-tagged objects. Most are in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (e.g. way 93268229 and some short turnlanes). Not sure if that are mistakes or real examples. One example is in Graz, Austria (way 4100061 which I guess is not really correct as the note comment suggests that it only applies to the buses).

(21 Oct '13, 14:24) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 20 Oct '13, 00:10

question was seen: 3,843 times

last updated: 21 Oct '13, 14:38

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum