hello, i am using OpenStreetMap for the first time. i've seen in videos that other users are able to export maps as xml files. i see with the share button on the right side of the screen that i can export a map as a jpg, pdf, png, etc but i don't see xml. where is the export as xml option? thank you! |
The export function is currently split up in two halves due to a site redesign. The XML export is on the left side bar under "export data". This might change back to a unified xml/image export in a future redesign, so never trust the documentation if it's more than a few weeks old ;) 2
It's perhaps also worth mentioning that if you want more than a very small amount of XML data you're probably best using one of the extracts linked to from http://planet.openstreetmap.org/ .
(19 Oct '13, 19:57)
SomeoneElse ♦
For future problems: You can search this site or browse questions tagged "export". The question and answers export-function-cancelled-i-miss-it-on-osmorg-since-2013-08 likely would have helped you. :-) |