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As far as I can tell then these two parking areas should render as yellow areas on the Slippy Map. Hundreds of other similar areas have worked for me, so can anyone offer any insight into why these aren't rendering? They are both closed ways.

asked 06 Feb '11, 09:54

fluteflute's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Feb '11, 09:56

The first one probably doesn't render because mapnik renders leisure=pitch after and therefor over amenity=parking. I assume the same is true for man_made=pier which is defined in the layer-water_features. The first one can be solved by excluding the parking lot from the area of the pitch which is only correct in my opinion as the parking lot is associated with but not part of the pitch itself. The second one is harder as the parking lot really IS on the pier and there isn't much you can do about it.

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answered 06 Feb '11, 10:08

petschge's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

Might a layer tag work?

(06 Feb '11, 20:22) fluteflute

As the parking lot is really build on top of the pier (if your mapping is correct) a layer might be the right thing to do there. It feels like a kludge though.

(06 Feb '11, 20:29) petschge

I'll report a bug! :D

(06 Feb '11, 20:30) fluteflute

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question asked: 06 Feb '11, 09:54

question was seen: 5,922 times

last updated: 06 Feb '11, 20:33

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum