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Firstly, I created a relation for a bus route, starting at a certain point. The bus route itself isn't 'circular' however it loops, in the sense that it'll travel to its destination, and then turn around, either by a roundabout, or similar, or by making a loop (such as going through a series of roads eventually coming to a junction leading into a road it was previously on, and returning in the opposite direction).

Here's the relation for that route... Route 410

Is this supposed to be one relation, or should it be one relation up to where it starts to return to the other destination? And if so, is there a way of splitting one relation into two, at a certain point?

asked 18 Oct '13, 18:19

TheUltimateKoopa's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Well, I tried looking at that relation, but I just got a blank window. What you are describing sounds like a "spoon route". It's really a judgement call as to whether you treat it as one near-circular route, or as two separates. A third option is to have it as two routes, but with the looped section appearing once on each route-drection, so that one trip of the bus through the looped section will map to both relations!

What does the official timetable give as the official terminus (the most distant point (MDP), or the point where it rejoins its original point of divergence, OPOD) ?

Does the bus wait a significant time at the most distant point ?

Does the bus change its destination blind at any point during the loop ?

Are through tickets available, beyond the MDP to the OPOD ?

Do the bus stop timetables around the loop show the bus terminating somewhere other than the point-of-origin ?

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answered 26 Oct '13, 13:57

mwbg's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 18 Oct '13, 18:19

question was seen: 3,505 times

last updated: 26 Oct '13, 13:57

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum