Hi there This may be a simple case of assigning appropriate opening hours, but there is a regular coffee van that sets itself up each day at the same location, and I wish to map it. However, as its a mobile vehicle, clearly its presence in real terms, is only temporary, and therefore want to know how best to indicate this, as it is street vendor serving coffee (a coffee shop?), which returns to the same location each day with regular opening hours, but not associated to a building. Thanks |
I would just create a node and tag the relevant amenity/shop type (in the example case it may be So, for your example case:
Thanks, I shall try that. If anyone else might have had similar examples, I'd be interested to hear how they've approached it. Thanks
(19 Oct '13, 16:24)
Thanks! I will use that for regular NY food carts and trucks
(18 Nov '15, 21:21)
This is a relevant question for many developing countries as well where mobile vendors are more common than fixed shops. In India coconut stalls like this are an important amenity for the public.
The vendor sets up the stall to sell his produce during daylight hours at the same location everyday. Maybe shop=farm + produce=coconut + temporary=yes/cart/stall ? We could use temporary= to better describe the feature rather than just building=no Hi PlaneMad, if it’s like that consider to use these tags, http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dmarketplace Since the place is hardly exact every day. OSM is all about coordinates and tags but an area seems okay.
(19 Nov '15, 10:25)
@hendrikklaas (just for clarification) the area might count as a marketplace (or might not), but individual stalls certainly aren't.
(19 Nov '15, 10:46)
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