I don't think it is absolutely necessary, but if you do make the outer way of the residential area an inner member of a leisure=common multipolygon, you will then need to add tags to the inner area http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/242006119 of the residential area http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/3267104 as at the moment the hole in the residential area looks to be rendering as what surrounds the residential area, but if you make the whole residential area a hole in the common then that bit in the middle will be part of the hole too. I think. I created the residential multipoly after I asked this question, but thanks for pointing it out. I'm also not sure if the inner area needs to be a multipolygon inner either, or it can just be tagged as leisure=common, but then it's leisure=common on leisure=common and that's seems a bit strange... If no one else objects I'll keep it as it is.
(14 Oct '13, 08:44)