Imagine that I'm here and am trying to add Road C to this existing relation. If I edit the area in iD, and select the "+" below "all relations" I get this box appear: I don't want to create a new releation, because it already exists just to the west. Am I supposed to type something into the text box to search? There are no clues on screen. Is there any iD documentation somewhere that explains how to do this? (note all these links are on the api06 dev server - I'm not sure that they'll all work if you're not signed up there) |
There were several discussions about relations in iD. I think the outcome was that it cannot be done, although they do show these options. Potlatch is very simple to use, there are even videos on the net how to do relations. If you have the time, add the relations in Potlatch and then play with iD, it will probably take lot of experimenting. If you find how to do it, the iD community would welcome it. I occasionally come across a need to use relations and I solely use Potlatch. It's very simple and reliable. Martin 1
Thanks for the reply. I was looking for information about iD because a new mapper has added new bits of a walking route in iD by naming them "blah trail" instead of adding to the existing "blah trail" relation. Whilst it may be easier to add to relations currently in Potlatch (or JOSM) I was wondering whether I could suggest something that didn't involve learning a different editor.
(20 Oct '13, 10:19)
SomeoneElse ♦
Seems like the relation to which you want to add the way must be in your current view in order to be able to select it. Is that what your are asking?
With P2 I'd search for the relation number. I can understand why iD would try to protect new mappers from that - but wondered what the intended workflow is?
I have no idea. The regular search mechanism in iD is capable of doing world-wide searches but there is no such option for relations.
For info I've created an issue here.