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I'm looking at a keepright error on Way 212503389 :

"This way is part of a roundabout but is not closed-loop (split carriageways approaching a roundabout should not be tagged as roundabout)."

The way is actually part of the roundabout, not an approach road -- but it cannot be merged with the other ways that constitute the roundabout because there bridge sections and differences in bus routes.

What should I do? Remove the roundabout tag, ignore the error or something else?

asked 10 Oct '13, 11:23

harg's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

It might be because which it joins to isn't tagged as part of a roundabout. Otherwise I'd expect every constituent way to show as an error, rather than just one end.

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answered 10 Oct '13, 11:40

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%

Yes, you're probably right. I did notice that segment wasn't tagged when checking to see if I could merge some of the segments and found the bus routes problem. I'll try tagging it and see if the problem goes away.

(10 Oct '13, 11:57) harg

Create a relation and set the ways as member of that relation with such tagging: type=route route=junction junction=roundabout

permanent link

answered 12 Oct '13, 14:39

erkinalp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 10 Oct '13, 11:23

question was seen: 3,458 times

last updated: 12 Oct '13, 14:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum