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Hi all!

I cannot find the place through the site search but it exist on the map if I try to find it manually. Search language - russian. The street I'm searching is showed on the map in a russian - all is good. What's the matter?

link to street
City - Moscow
Street - Gzhelskiy Pereulok (Гжельский переулок)

asked 09 Oct '13, 16:25

suncatcher_13's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 21 Jan '18, 13:52

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


without naming the city and the street name, we cannot help you.

So please edit your question and give us more information.

And: do you use the search box on ? because there are some more around related to OSM.

(09 Oct '13, 17:15) stephan75

Yes, of course - in the web version of the map (search box)
link to street - ttp://
City - Moscow
Street - Gzhelskiy Pereulok (Гжельский переулок)

(09 Oct '13, 18:45) suncatcher_13

You appear to expect to search for a Russian street name using a latin rather than cyrillic alphabet.

In general OpenStreetMap does not work this way: data is usually in the common language(s) and writing form of the immediate region. Thus place names in Russia are in Russian. One or two local communities (notably Japan) have chosen to represent place names using non-local scripts, but this is very much a choice for the local community. In most cases names in non-local scripts are merely transliterations and do not conform to OSM's verifiability rule so are not suitable for storage within OSM. Most transliterations could be performed by adding a suitable pre- or post-processing step to convert data to or from the form expected on OSM.

The street you are looking for is here, and can be found immediately using Nominatim if you enter its Cyrillic name. You can see all the data which are available for Nominatim.

permanent link

answered 09 Oct '13, 19:56

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

You are playing tricks with me) I tried to enter search request in local alphabet - in cyrillic. Just now I've tried and my request was successfull. But at the time I asked my question this street wasn's searchable through search box on the site. You've adjusted something recently.

(09 Oct '13, 20:31) suncatcher_13

I haven't changed anything: I copied the text from your question & pasted it into Nominatim. It worked for me!

(10 Oct '13, 10:11) SK53 ♦

You can see on the way linked above that the last edit is from 27 Sept 2011. So nothing has been changed. Perhaps a typo error in your first try...

(10 Oct '13, 12:19) Pieren

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question asked: 09 Oct '13, 16:25

question was seen: 4,512 times

last updated: 21 Jan '18, 13:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum