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Dear Sir or Madam, I have geocoded postal codes, and have longitude and latitude for each postal code. I would like to create a map of all these data points without using any Google, Bing, or any other commercial sources so as to be able to use it in a publication without violating copyrights. This geographic area I am concerned with is North West Poland.

I thank you in advance for any help. Peter

asked 08 Oct '13, 20:05

PeterPK's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Oct '13, 17:12

stephan75's gravatar image


There are many ways to do this, depending on your needs and tastes. One way is to use leaflet with an OSM basemap, and your POIs in geojson format. Please be more specific if you have problems.

Speaking of geocoded postal codes, where did you get yours from ? If your source is compatible with osm, it would be advantageous to get the data into OSM :

  • Many ready-made tools will allow you to query and display the data
  • Data will be much more widely available
  • It will be merged with existing data, forming a more complete set
  • Other OSM contributors will help curate the data
permanent link

answered 09 Oct '13, 10:13

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%


If your data can be added to OSM, please contact the OSM Talk Poland mailing list and see the import guidelines.

(09 Oct '13, 10:16) Vincent de P... ♦

Thank you for the answer. I used GPSVisualizer when they offered batch geocoding through their website using Yahoo before that service was taken over my Microsoft/Bing. I was able to enter the latitude and longitude co-ordinates and get a map using various sources of map data, including openstreetmap, but the Google logo is present on all maps created using GPSVisualizer regardless of the source of the map data. I am not sure if that is copyrighted by Google, or not. An example of the data I have is: 52.380041,16.92445,"61-531". The postal code is present after each set of co-ordinates. I would like to have the data publicly available as soon as the work I am doing is completed. Thank you, Peter

(10 Oct '13, 18:58) PeterPK

You seem to indicate that your data was derived from Yahoo. This would make in unsuitable for inclusion into OSM.

(18 Oct '13, 08:31) SimonPoole ♦

So the way to go would probably be using leaflet or openlayers and your postcode information as GeoJSON. Also, just out of curiosity: Are postcodes used for areas? How do your point features map to postcode areas (or are those the postcodes for specific buildings?).

(18 Oct '13, 10:04) gormo

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question asked: 08 Oct '13, 20:05

question was seen: 6,628 times

last updated: 18 Oct '13, 10:04

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum