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Is data provided by third parties under a CC-BY-SA 3.0 license suitable to inclusion into OSM?

The import catalog ( ) lists several cases where CC-licensed data has been imported, but I want to double check.

asked 08 Oct '13, 15:42

Augusto%20S's gravatar image

Augusto S
accept rate: 0%

edited 08 Oct '13, 16:18

Vclaw's gravatar image


No, it isn't.

Since OSM has moved to a combination of the Open Database Licence and our own Contributor Terms, we now provide data under a licence which is (in some ways) more permissive than CC-BY-SA. Therefore CC-BY-SA data can't be imported, because it doesn't grant these permissions.

However, you can always approach the data owners, and ask for their permission to import it into OSM.

Don't forget you must follow the Import Guidelines, including discussing your edits with the imports@ mailing list and your local mailing list before starting the import.

permanent link

answered 08 Oct '13, 17:49

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

I see... But CC-BY without share-alike requirement would be suitable for an import, right? (Lots of imports from the catalog consist of CC-BY-licensed data.)

(08 Oct '13, 18:09) Augusto S

The attribution requirements on CC BY 2.0 and 3.0 differ from the ODbL requirements and to import a CC BY source you need to verify that they are happy with the attribution the ODbL guarantees.

(11 Oct '13, 12:42) pnorman

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question asked: 08 Oct '13, 15:42

question was seen: 4,160 times

last updated: 11 Oct '13, 12:42

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum