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Simple question, but I am new to this. What settings (time, distance)should I use for track recording? In my case from bicycle point of view?

asked 07 Oct '13, 21:13

dirith's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi, I'm not sure what GPS unit you are using for recording tracks - I can only give suggestions for the Garmin Etrex 20 which I use. I've set up two different profiles on the unit. On one 'Cycling' I have left the track recording at the default setting of 'auto'. This works fine for me if I just want a record of where I've been on a particular ride. My other profile on the unit is 'Mapping' and on this I've set the track recording at 'time' (every second) on the assumption that this will record in more detail. I don't know how valid this reasoning is but it works ok for me. Most of my mapping is short stretches of highway and building outlines. Go to my OSM User Profile if you want to view samples of the mapping tracks which I've recorded and uploaded.
If you are using a Garmin GPS unit here is a link to a very informative site about how to set up and use some of their units - much better than the Garmin instruction book. Hope this helps. Graham

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answered 07 Oct '13, 23:37

NZGraham's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

I chose to use continuous logging. Slowing it down may save battery which is good if you're using it for wilderness survival (good extra but not reliable), but if the goal is to make something you can trace the other options aren't great.

Slowing the pull rate means the device will have to relocate satellites. And on a bike you may be moving quickly, which increases the time to locate.

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answered 07 Oct '13, 23:44

he_the_great's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

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question asked: 07 Oct '13, 21:13

question was seen: 2,967 times

last updated: 07 Oct '13, 23:44

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