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On my CentOS 6 machine, I ran the command:

./Nominatim-2.0.1/utils/setup.php --osm-file /postgres/OpenStreetMaps/planetfile/planet-latest.osm.pbf --all --osm2pgsql-cache 18000

to set up Nominatim, and after waiting for 3 days, it failed with the following log:

Osm2pgsql took 238253s overall

 public.location_road_230.geometry SRID:4326 TYPE:GEOMETRY DIMS:2
(1 row)


Reanalysing database...
NOTICE:   no notnull values, invalid stats
NOTICE:   no notnull values, invalid stats
ERROR: please download osmosis
please download osmosis

I had no idea that osmosis was a dependency. After I download and install osmosis, is there a way I can resume the setup process without having to start from the beginning? I'm assuming I don't have to import to postgres database anymore, because the setup failed after the output "Osm2pgsql took 238253s overall". If possible, what would the command be? Thanks!

asked 07 Oct '13, 19:26

baekacaek's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You can continue by using:

./Nominatim-2.0.1/utils/setup.php --index

However you should be aware that 2.1 (which includes a fix for this problem) has now been released. It would be recommended to do a new install using that since no more fixes or updates to 2.0.1 will be released.

Also, if osm2pgsql by itself took 3 days it is likely that it will take a very, very long time to index the data. You may want to look at upgrading your server with an ssd drive or seeing if you can manage with just an extract rather than the full plant.

Also, we always recommend doing a test install with a small extract first before trying a full plant import to check everything is installed and working.

permanent link

answered 08 Oct '13, 00:05

twain's gravatar image

accept rate: 40%

Thanks, I installed Nominatim 2.1, and now I'm having other issues. Very frustrating :/

(08 Oct '13, 01:58) baekacaek

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question asked: 07 Oct '13, 19:26

question was seen: 4,139 times

last updated: 08 Oct '13, 01:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum